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Acceptance Testing XXII - MODX 2 and MODX 3 in One Command

A trick for running MODX 2 and MODX 3 tests with a single command

Acceptance Testing XII - Data Files

Using data files to provide the user and resource data we'll need for our test.

Acceptance Testing XI - Step Object

Creating the step object for our resource protection acceptance test

Acceptance Testing X - ResourceSecurityTest

Using Codeception to test the MODX resource security system

Acceptance Testing IX - Final User Test

Final version of our user text for the MODX Manager

Acceptance Testing VII -Testing the Manager

Using Codeception to Test the MODX Manager

Acceptance Testing V - Login PageObject

Creating a Codeception PageObject for the login page

Acceptance Testing IV - Login

Logging in to the MODX in an acceptance test

Acceptance Testing III - Contact Form

Creating the contact form that our acceptance test will pass

Acceptance Testing II - Contact Form

Acceptance test for a simple contact form in MODX