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How an API works

A quick look at what an API is and does

Scraping, Parsing, and API Use XI

This final article in the series contains the full code, all in one place

Scraping, Parsing, and API Use X

Writing the finished documentation files

Scraping, Parsing, and API Use IX

A general-purpose time formatting function, and parsing a Markup file to get the authors of an extra

Scraping, Parsing, and API Use VIII

Counting the number of files in a directory and its subdirectories with DirWalker

Scraping, Parsing, and API Use VII

Using James Brumond's Git class to get data from a local Git repository

Scraping, Parsing, and API Use VI

Using the GitHub API to extract information

Scraping, Parsing, and API Use V

Extracting data from MODX repository pages

Scraping, Parsing, and API Use IV

Using the simple_html_dom class to extract data from a string of raw HTML code.

Scraping, Parsing, and API Use III

A generic cURL function for getting content or raw data from remote sites