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Acceptance Testing V - Login PageObject

Creating a Codeception PageObject for the login page

Acceptance Testing IV - Login

Logging in to the MODX in an acceptance test

Preventing Multiple, Simultaneous Logins

Keep multiple users from logging in with the same credentials

Sending a User to Edit their own Page on Manager Login

Using a plugin to let users *edit* their own page on login

Changing the Login Error Message

The best way to change the message users see after entering the wrong credentials during Login

Bypassing the MODX Manager Login III

Using a single plugin to create and authenticate users

Bypassing the MODX Manager Login II

Second in a series of articles about bypassing the Manager Login process

Bypassing the MODX Manager Login I

Use your own code, or an external service to authenticate users

Redirecting Users On Login VII

Use group IDs to speed up the membership test

Redirecting Users On Login VI

Redirect users based on a User Group setting, but control the order in which group memberships are tested