GoRevo transfers an Evolution site to Revolution




In a few easy steps, GoRevo will transfer a MODX Evolution site to a MODX Revolution site. The following objects will be transferred:

  • Manager Users
  • Web Users
  • Resources
  • Chunks
  • Templates
  • Template Variables
  • Resource Groups
  • Categories
  • Selected System Settings
  • Custom Snippets
  • Custom Plugins
  • Selected files and/or directories

All relationships between the objects will be preserved. Users will belong to the same User Groups, Resources will have the correct Templates, Template Variables will be connected to the same Templates and will retain their values for individual Resources, and Elements will remain in their categories. Manager and Web users will be able to log into Revolution using their Evolution credentials.

In addition, tags in Resources and Elements will be translated to their Revolution format.

Ditto tags will be converted to pdoResources. The phx:if and phx:userinfo tags will be converted to their Revolution equivalents. GoRevo will also attempt to convert Breadcrumbs, WebLogin, WebLoginPE, and the DL snippets (including DocLister) to work in Revolution.

Why Choose GoRevo?

Installing GoRevo in Revolution

This has to happen first, since the Evolution files are contained in the Revolution transport package. Be sure the Revolution install is a new site that is empty except for the Home page.

Copy the gorevo.transport.zip file to the core/packages/ directory of your Revolution install. Go to Package Management (Extras -> Installer on the Top Menu of the latest version). Click on the down-arrow of the "Download Extras" button and select the "Search Locally for Packages" option on the drop-down menu. Click on the "Yes" button.

GoRevo should appear in the grid. Click on its "Install" button and follow the installation steps.

Important: If at all possible back up your database *at this point*. That way you can start over easily if you don't like the results of the import.

To back up the DB, if you have cPanel, just go to PhpMyAdmin. Select the MODX database, then click on the "Export" tab at the top. Next, click on the "Export" button below. Select a location and name for the exported file. When you want to restore the DB, go to your database, click on the "Import" tab. Then, click on "Choose File" and select the file you saved. Finally, scroll down and click on the "Import" button. That's all there is to it.

Installing GoRevo in Evolution

There are about ten files that need to be copied to your Evolution site. They can be found in the Revolution site's assets/components/gorevo/ directory. They need to be placed in a gorevo directory in the MODX root of the Evolution site. There are two ways to move them. The most reliable way it to just download the single file: gorevo-evo-files.zip and upload it to the MODX root of your Evolution site. Unzip it in that directory either in cPanel or by shell command. The result should look like this:

(MODX Root Directory)

If you have trouble with this method, you can always either move the files to where they belong, or use the second method, which is to create the gorevo directory in the MODX root and copy the files to it individually (you don't need to transfer the .zip file). Don't forget the index.php file and the .htaccess file.

Once the files are in place, you're done installing GoRevo. It's time to move the site.

Important Reminder: For the GoRevo import to work correctly, your Revolution site should be an empty, fresh installation with GoRevo installed and nothing else.

Click on the "Buy Now" link below to see the licensing options for GoRevo.

Purchase GoRevo

Back Up the Revolution Site

It's optional, but strongly recommended, that at this point you "Export" the empty Revolution site to SQL in PhpMyAdmin. That will be handy if you make a mistake, decide to use different options, or the import times out. Do it *after* you've installed the GoRevo package on the Revolution site, and *before* you import the Evolution site. Be sure to select the "Drop Table if Exists" option before exporting, so you'll get a clean copy if you need to restore the site. To restore, just select the database and "Import" the SQL file in PhpMyAdmin.

There's no need to back up the Evolution site, since GoRevo only reads from the database. It will never modify the Evolution site.

Just the Basics

We'll look at the finer points of using GoRevo below, but here are the basic steps for moving a site. This section assumes that you have installed GoRevo for both sites as described above. Be sure that you are logged out of the Revolution site. The configuration settings for GoRevo are at the top of the gorevo/index.php file on the Evo site. For most sites, you won't need to change them, or even look at them. The only thing you're likely to want to edit are additional custom snippets of your own you want to rename. Everything else can be controlled in the form.

Exporting the MODX Revolution Site

Here are the steps to export the Evo site. The first version should work unless your site is unusually large. Try it first. If the export times out, read about other methods below

  1. Put this URL in your browser's address bar: YourEvoSite.com/gorevo/ (replacing YourEvoSite.com with the actual site URL)
  2. On the form that comes up, check all three boxes, User, Elements, and Resources. Then add any custom snippet or other directories you want to transfer. The export should take less than ten seconds. If you forgot something, just do it again. All the files will be overwritten.

Importing to MODX Revolution

  1. Find the evo.zip file that's created in the /gorevo/ directory of the Evolution site. Be sure the file is called "evo.zip". Download that file, and upload it to the /gorevo/ directory of the Revolution site (just under the MODX root directory).
  2. Just point your browser to YourRevolutionSite.com/gorevo/. It should be fine to do this with sites having less than 1,500 users and less than 200 resources. For very large sites (or if the server is overloaded), PHP may time out (30 seconds is the default). Be patient — importing can be slow, but if you don't see the 'Finished' message after five minutes, import the empty-site SQL backup you created earlier and use the method described in the paragraph below.

If the import times out, you need to clear out the crud in the site before trying again. If you don't, you'll get lots of error messages about colliding objects. Restore your backup by Importing the empty-site SQL file you created earlier in PhpMyAdmin (just select the MODX database and "Import" the file). Once you've done that, you can close PhpMyAdmin. If you don't have a backup, you'll have to wipe out the site and empty the database tables, then start over with a fresh installation of MODX and GoRevo.

The latest version of GoRevo allows you to export Users, Elements, and Resources, separately for large sites. Important: Be sure you import them in order, Users first, then Elements, then Resources! After each export, copy the evo.zip file to the Revolution site and run the import as described above. After the three exports and imports have been performed, the whole site should appear in MODX Revolution. All the related objects and categories will come along for the ride.

Tip: The assets directory is automatically included in the form, but it only needs to be transferred once (it doesn't matter which pass). Remove it from the other two transfers to save time and memory. The same goes for any custom directories you transfer.

Method of Last Resort

If your site is immense and neither of the methods above work, restore the Revolution site as describe above.

Once you're back to a fresh install, execute the file: yourEvoSite.com/gorevo/index.php. You can do it directly with a shell command or with a one-time cron job. The command will be php path/to/modx/root/gorevo/index.php. On a localhost install, you may be able to execute the file in a code editor like PhpStorm. Doing it this way will avoid the PHP time limit, and you should see "Finished" when the process is done.

After the Import

At this point, you should have a semi-working Revolution site. Take a quick look to make sure you have your resources, users, and elements. Then, before doing anything else, install the pdoTools package in Package Manager. Go to Extras -> Installer. Click on the "Download Package" button. That will take you to the Revolution Repository. Put "pdo" in the search box. Select "pdoTools" and click on the download button. When the download has finished, click on the "Back to Package Manager" button. Then click on the "Install" button next to pdoTools. If your Evo site uses Wayfinder, download and install it as well.

If the front end of your site is a mess, it often means that you've put your CSS and/or image files outside the assets/ directory and forgotten to specify the directory for transfer.


The user files and evo.zip file under the gorevo directory in both sites contain the usernames and password hashes of all your users in plain text (but not the actual passwords), and everything in the user profiles. The gorevo/files/ directory also has the user information. The files are protected by .htaccess files, but you'll still want to make sure they're gone as soon as you have a successful import. They may also contain other sensitive information as well. GoRevo should remove the .zip file and the /files directory, but check to make sure they're gone.

As of Version 1.3.1, you may delete the GoRevo package after you're sure everything is working as it should. The custom snippets and plugins that you need for your site will not be removed.

The following section makes GoRevo and the migration process seem more complicated than it is. Much of what follows won't apply to you, and what does, is mostly notes to help you with the details of your migration.

The Finer Points

Evolution and Revolution are different animals, so it's literally impossible to do a straight conversion from one to the other. This section covers the details of how GoRevo handles the differences.

Here is the form you'll see when doing the export from Evolution:

GoRevo Logo
GoRevo Export

Select the options for your transfer,
then click on the Submit button.

Comma-separated lists of your own custom snippets and plugins you'd like to transfer. Plugins will be disabled on transfer. Elements will often have to be rewritten for Revolution.

Depending on the server settings, when you run the Evo export, you may see an error message telling you that mysql_connect is deprecated. This warning comes from the MODX database API code, not GoRevo. Since it's just a warning, it won't affect the operation of GoRevo.


Evolution 1 has two kinds of users, Manager Users and Web Users. Revolution just has users. Worse yet, in Evolution the IDs of the two kinds of users both start at 1. That means that a Web User can have the same ID as a different Manager User and a user who is both a Manger User and a Web User will have two separate User Profiles and may have two different IDs. There's no perfect way to handle this. Further confusing matters is Evolution 3, which does not have Manager and Web Users &mdash. It just has users, like Revolution.

If a Web User is also a Manager User (with the same username), GoRevo puts the user in any User Groups they belong to, but does not transfer the second User Profile or the second User ID (if different).

First, Manager Users are installed with a new ID (id + 10) to avoid collisions with existing users. Resource fields like createdby and editedby are corrected. Then Web Users are installed with an ID of oldID + maxId + 10 (where maxId is the highest ID for Manager Users. There is some potential for collisions on the resource fields. Since more than one user can have the same ID on an Evolution site, there's no way to correct them. This will only happen for web users with low IDs who are not Manager Users, have colliding IDs, and have created, edited, published, or deleted resources in the front end of the site. The odds are good that nobody meets all those criteria.

Evolution has no concept of active users. In GoRevo, all users who are not marked as blocked will be transferred as active. It's easy to selectively deactivate them in bulk in Manage -> Users.

The original admin user (ID = 1) of the Evolution site is not transferred to Revolution on the assumption that the user already exists as the admin who created the Revolution site. Important: That user will not be able to log in to the Revolution site with their Evolution credentials. The credentials used during Setup for Revolution will always work for the admin Super User.

Manager users are *not* automatically placed in the Administrator group unless they belong to a User Group with that name in Evolution. It's recommended that you *not* put them in the Administrator group, since leaving them out makes it easier to control their permissions and allows more flexibility when customizing the Manager.

User Roles

User roles mean something very different in the two versions. There's no point in transferring them, because Revolution can't make any sense of Evolution roles. Instead, GoRevo creates two new roles, (ManagerUserRole, and WebUserRole) for use in the permission system.

In Evolution, user rights are controlled by the specific role they are given. In Revolution, user rights are assigned to User Groups via Policies. The Policies contain the permissions (checked or unchecked) and Access Control List Entries (ACLs) connect specific Policies to User Groups. The members of the User Group get the permissions with checkmarks in the Policy.

Running the Import

Whether or not you can just point your browser to yourRevoSite.com/gorevo/index.php will work or not depends on the size of your site and the speed of your server. It's a lot slower to create objects than to just read them. The import process can take a while and most hosts use the default PHP time limit of 30 seconds. GoRevo often resets the timeout period, but not all hosts will honor that. As mentioned above, if you see a timeout error message, or if you don't see the 'Finished' message after waiting for at least 5 minutes you may need to start over. Be sure to restore the empty Revolution site from the backup SQL file you created.

You can try transferring Users, Elements, and Resources separately, as described above. That will definitely work unless your site is massive (and often, even if it is). If that doesn't work, you can run the import from the command line, or as a cron job.

If you don't have shell access, but do have access to cPanel (or the equivalent), you can run the import with a one-time cron job. It's very easy to do this in cPanel. Be sure you're logged out of the Revolution site first.

In the Cron Job section of cPanel, select the current year, month, and day, then select an hour, and minute that's about 20 minutes from now. Use the command listed above in the "Just the Basics" section. Give the script plenty of time to run before trying to log in or view the site. For a very large site, it could take quite a while. GoRevo tries its best to be memory efficient, but it's possible that you could run out of memory if your Evolution site is very large. In that case, it may help to do several transfers, using a separate transfer for just the Users, Elements, and Resources. This is very seldom necessary.

User Groups

All User Groups from the Evolution site will exist and will contain the same members on the Revolution site. In addition, in Evo 1, All Manager Users will be placed in a new group called 'ManagerUsers', and all Web Users will be placed in a group called 'WebUsers'.

Important: Evolution 3 doesn't have Manager and Web Users. So, when importing Evo 3 users, the ManagerUser and WebUsers User Groups will not be created. Users will be in the same Evolution 3 User Groups they were in before the import.

Similarly, for Evolution 3, the Policies and Policy Templates described below will not be created, because they would be connected to the non-existent User Groups.


There's no reasonable way to transfer the Evolution permissions structure to Revolution. GoRevo does its best to create a system that will work for you. You may need to modify it, but if you do, you'll have a head start.

For Manager Users, GoRevo a new Access Policy called 'ManagerUserPolicy'. It's based on the Administrator Policy Template. It contains all possible Manager permissions, but only 24 of the 170+ possible permissions are enabled. It gives your manager users the ability to perform basic operations in the Manager, such as creating, editing, and deleting, resources (but not publishing them or creating resource at the root of the tree). If your Manager Users need more rights, or you want to take away rights they don't need, this is all you need to do:

  • Click on the gear icon in Manager's Main Menu
  • Select "Access Control Lists"
  • Go to the "Access Policies" tab
  • Right-click on the ManagerUserPolicy row and select "Update Policy"
  • Check or uncheck permissions in the list
  • Click on the "Save" button at the upper right
  • The permissions you set will affect all members of the relevant User Groups

Before any permission changes will take effect, you need flush all sessions (aka, "Logout all Users") from the Manager's top menu. In later versions of Revolution, this is under the "Manage" menu. In earlier versions, it was under the Security menu.

The rights of Web Users can be changed by editing the WebUserPolicy, but it's seldom necessary to do so since they have no rights to the Manager. They can log on in the front end and see resources you have hidden from other users. You need to protect the resources in order to hide them, but they will be in their original Resource Groups, so you just need to create a Resource Group ACL entry to hide them. Web Users also have most of the rights necessary to use NewsPublisher to create documents in the front end of the site. See the permissions section at Bob's Guides (especially the links at the end) for more information.

System Settings

GoRevo attempts to transfer about 30 System Settings that make sense in both Evolution and Revolution. It translates the keys and values when necessary. In many cases, it converts the field names since they are different in Revolution.

Evolution has no SMTP prefix setting (though it does have other SMTP settings), so if you need that, you'll have to set it manually in Revolution.

Snippets and Plugins

Snippets and plugins that are installed by default in Evolution, generally won't run in Revolution, so GoRevo doesn't transfer them unless you specify them in the form. Whenever possible, GoRevo tries to translate the Evolution tags like Ditto, Breadcrumbs, WebLogin, WebLoginPE, PHX, DocLister, the "DL" family, IfSnippet, If, and others for use with MODX Revolution extras. You may still have to adjust them to make them work for you. You'll need to download the Revolution equivalents for some of them. Wayfinder tags will generally work as is, though you may want to convert them to pdoMenu, which is faster. Here is a list of Revolution packages that contain the snippets you'll need for them:

Evolution Snippet Revolution package
Ditto pdoResources
DocLister Snippet pdoResources
Ditto and DocLister with paginate pdoPage (GoRevo will usually translate the original tags for you)
Breadcrumbs EvoBreadcrumbs (included with GoRevo) or pdoCrumbs, both converted automatically
Wayfinder Wayfinder (no change)
UltimateParent UltimateParent or pdoTools (for pdoField)
getResourceField getResourceField or pdoField
WebLogin Login
WebLoginPE (type=login) Login
WebLoginPE (type=profile) Login
WebLoginPE (type=register) Login
WebLoginPE (type=users) Peoples
PHX:if If snippet
PHX No package Needed
If EvoIf (created by GoRevo)
DocInfo PdoField
PhpThumb pThumb (many other options)
DLSiteMap pdoSiteMap
DLCrumbs pdoCrumbs
DLMenu pdoMenu
IfSnippet PleaseInstall (created by GoRevo)

Skip this if you don't use Ditto. If your Ditto tags contain the &includeTVs property, the Evolution property is a "Yes/No" property. The Revolution one for pdoResources is a list of TVs to include. GoRevo will add all TVs attached to the current template to that property. After the conversion, you can delete any TVs you don't want in the list (easier than adding the ones you do need). This will only work if the Ditto tag is in a template or the content field of a resource. If the tag is in a TV or a chunk, GoRevo can't tell which template to get the TVs from.

Another difference with pdoResources involves date fields and date TVs. the getResources snippet will return a formatted date, which needs to be converted to a timestamp with :strtotime. pdoResources returns a timestamp, so the :strtotime is not necessary.

Ditto and DLResources tags with &paginate are converted to the equivalent pdoPage tags wrapping pdoResources. You may need to update the Tpl chunks and/or placeholder tags for them.

The usual replacement for eForm is FormIt, but they are different enough that GoRevo can't do the conversion for you (and you may choose to roll your own form code rather than use FormIt). If you use eForm for a very simple contact form, SPForm is a good alternative.

If you have a snippet that lets users update their User Profiles, the UpdateProfile snippet in the Login package is a good replacement. You'll usually need to create a new form, but the documentation for UpdateProfile is very good.

If you have custom plugins and snippets, you can specify them in the GoRevo form, or in the config section of the index.php file and they'll be transferred, but be aware that the code may need to be modified to run in Revolution. To prevent debilitating crashes, all plugins you transfer will be set as disabled.

Renaming Snippets and Plugins

If you have specified snippets to be renamed, GoRevo will rename them when they are found in snippet tags anywhere, though their properties and their code will sometimes have to be adjusted manually in order to work in Revolution.

Snippets (including Ditto) will not be renamed if they are called in code with runSnippet(), but this will be a very rare occurrence. You'll know it has happened if a snippet you specified for renaming shows up in the Snippets Used list (unless you have misspelled its name, in which case it won't be renamed at all).


If you choose to transfer elements (recommended), only chunks, templates, and TVs will be transferred, since most Evo plugins and snippets would not work in Revolution and might crash the site. The odds are that you will get more chunks than you want — the Tpl chunks of various Evolution extras, for example. You'll probably want to delete them before installing any Revolution Extras. The chunks will be in their original categories, which should make this easier. If you're absolutely sure that a chunk won't be used, you can delete it from the Evolution site before doing the export.

The EvoLogin Plugin

Evolution has a number of password hashing options that Revolution knows nothing about. Evolution also has no hash_class field and the hashing method may or may not be specified in prefix on the password. To allow the Evo users to log in, the EvoLogin plugin installed with the Revolution version of GoRevo is connected to the OnManagerAuthentication and OnWebAuthentication System Events. It checks the hash itself and bypasses the MODX login check. If the updateHashClass property of the plugin is set (which it is by default), the plugin also converts the hashing method to modNative, which is the Revolution default.

There is no point in installing the additional MODX extra, PBKDF2convert. It only works with users for whom the hashing method is MD5 and the EvoLogin plugin will handle them as well as users with all the other Evolution hashing methods.

Important: After running the import, you can log in to the Revolution site as the original admin (created when you ran setup), but you can't log in with the credentials of the original Evolution user (ID = 1). GoRevo assumes that these are the same person and doesn't touch that person's record during the import.

Once all users have logged in at least once, you can disable or remove the EvoLogin Plugin (though you don't need to). Before doing this, look at the modx_users table in the database with PhpMyAdmin to make sure that the hash_class field contains modNative for all users. Users with another setting won't be able to log in once the plugin is removed. You can also just disable the plugin by right-clicking on it in the Elements tree.

Templates and Template Variables

Templates should transfer with no trouble and GoRevo will connect them to the appropriate Resources and TVs. GoRevo will attempt to convert all tags in the Template to something that will work in Revolution.

Template Variables are transferred "as is" and will be connected to the appropriate Templates. The values for each resource should also be intact. There may be some differences between the formats of some of the more complex TVs (e.g. image TVs) that will have to be adjusted, but by and large, TVs are the same in Evolution and Revolution, so most of them should work fine. GoRevo will convert dropdown TVs to listbox TVs.


Revolution uses output modifiers rather than phx, but regular phx tags should work fine, since the format for tags with output modifiers is the same as the phx format in Evolution. GoRevo will convert the tags to the equivalent placeholders in Revolution.

For phx:if tags, the process is more complex. GoRevo will try to convert them to use the Revolution If snippet (which you'll have to install before they will work). For typical phx:if tags, this will work fine, since the available aliases cover almost all possibilities, but some minor modifications may be necessary. You can also try the changing them to the EvoIf snippet — more on this below.

GoRevo can't convert complex phx:if tags containing :and or :or terms, so they are left alone. They'll be easy to spot, since they will still start with phx:if. If you have any of these complex tags, you'll have to convert them manually.

Directories and Their Files

You can supply a list of directories to include in the transfer, either by specifying them in the form (in HTML mode) or by editing the index.php file. Paths from the MODX root are allowed (e.g., images/sidebar/current). If you have placed files you'll need (e.g., images, CSS, or JS files) outside the assets/ directory, you'll want to specify them for transfer in the GoRevo form when you export the Evo site.

If you specify the assets directory, by default the following directories will be *excluded* from the transfer: snippets, plugins, modules, cache, backup, docs, site, export, import, and components. You can override this behavior either by editing the $excludeAssetsDirs variable in the index.php file or by simply specifying the ones you want in the list of directories to include.

If, for example, you'd like to include just the assets/components/somecomponent directory but not other directories under assets/components, just add assets/components/somecomponent to the list of directories to include and leave the components entry in the excludeAssetsDirs variable in the index.php file.

You can also exclude specific files in the assets directory by editing the $excludeAssetsFiles variable in the index.php file.


If your assets directory is very large, it may cause the export or the import to time out. You may want to exclude it from the process and transfer it on your own. If you are running index.php from the command line (or if your server thinks you are in CLI mode) the assets directory may be transferred anyway. If so, edit line 61 of the Evolution site's /gorevo/index.php file like this: $includeDirs = '';


Snippets Used

GoRevo will report the names of all snippets called via tags on the new site, so you'll know what snippets need to be downloaded or replaced in the Revolution site. All snippet tags in Resources, Chunks, Templates, and Template Variable values will be detected. Snippets called in code with $modx->runSnippet() in snippets, plugins, and @EVAL TVs will also be detected. Remember that these are *not* the snippets transferred by GoRevo — they are the snippets the Revolution site needs to fully function. It's not a bad idea to print the list. Note that anything that starts with "pdo" will be included when you install the pdoTools extra.

You may get some false positives if there are snippet tags in HTML comments or in code examples.

The snippet names are collected after any renaming has occurred.

GoRevo Log

In addition to displaying the results, GoRevo will also write them to the file gorevo/gorevo.log, so they can be viewed later and will be available when GoRevo is run as a cron job. A log will be created during the export and also during the import.

Yams2Mml Snippet

If you use the YAMS multi-language extra in Evolution, you can use this snippet to convert all the YAMS TVs to migxMultiLang TVs and (optionally) delete the YAMS TVs. Run the snippet as your last step after doing the transfer and installing both MIGX and MigxMultiLang. In other words:

  1. Run the Evo export
  2. Run the Revo import
  3. Install MIGX and MigxMultiLang in Package Manager
  4. Clear the Site Cache
  5. Create a resource with the [[!Yams2Mml]] tag
  6. Run the Yams2Mml snippet by viewing the resource

If you include this property in the Yams2Mml snippet tag, you can control whether GoRevo deletes the YAMS TVs as it creates the new mml TVs: &delete_yams_tvs=`1`. It's recommended that you run the snippet once with the option off, then if there are no errors, run it again with the option on to remove the YAMS TVs.

You can also run the Yams2Mml snippet from the command line, but be sure to install the MIGX and MigxMultiLang extras first. If running from the command line, set the $deleteOldTvProperty property value at the top of the snippet file. If you have many language entries and have memory trouble, there is also a commented out line around line 120 of the snippet that uses getIterator() instead of getCollection(). Uncomment that line and comment out the getCollection() line just above it.

Troubleshooting (Export)

GoRevo needs to be able to write to the /gorevo/ directory. Make sure the directory permissions and ownership allow this.

Troubleshooting (Import)

If your links are showing up but are not links, when using any of the pdo tools snippets, try changing the link tag in any tpls. Try [[+link]], [[+uri]], or [[+url]]. Different pdoTools snippets use different tags for links. Also, in some cases, the traditional [[~[[*id]]]] tags will not work. Try converting them to the tags listed above. Only do this with links in pdoTools Tpls.

The If snippet is converted to the EvoIf snippet, which does the same thing. However, the Evo parser is more forgiving about snippet properties that are not enclosed in backticks (`). The first thing to do when a snippet isn't working is to make sure there are backticks around the properties. For example, one version of the Evo bootstrap template contains code this code: &is=[(site_start)]:!=:[*id*] with no backticks. This will produce an error message telling you that "&is is not set," either on the screen, in the source code of the page (visible with Ctrl-u), or in the error log. Adding backticks will fix this: &is=`[(site_start)]:!=:[*id*]`. You can also just add the backticks in the on the Revolution site.

JotX — If you use this snippet for comments, there is no direct replacement. The primary comment snippet in MODX Revolution is Quip. Unfortunately, at this writing, Quip does not work in MODX 3. By the time you read this, it may have been updated. If so, it will show up in Package Manager (Extras -> Installer) when you search for it.

AjaxSearch — There are several search extras listed here. The most up-to-date of them is SimpleSearch, but you'll have to convert it manually. You can install it in Package Manager (Extras -> Installer). It works in MODX 3.

FormLister — The typical MODX Revolution replacement for FormLister is FormIt. It's different enough that I couldn't translate the tags, but you can see the documentation here. There is also a tutorial and some good examples here.

If your Evolution users have trouble logging in, Check the EvoLogin plugin. Make sure it is not disabled. On the System Events tab, make sure it is attached to OnManagerAuthentication and OnWebAuthentication.

Another possible issue with logging in is permissions. If your Manager users see "Access Denied" or something similar, their credentials are correct, but they need to be in a User Group that has a Context Access ACL entry for the mgr context in order to log into the Manager. GoRevo sets this up for you, but you may not want all former Manager Users to have the same rights. If not, move them to another group and create a separate ACL entry with a different Policy for them.

In order to see resources in the web section of the tree the user group also needs a Resource Group Access ACL entry for the web context. GoRevo attempts to create these permissions for the ManagerUsers User Group, but if you have removed that user group or modified its membership or permissions, or if you're coming from Evo 3, users may have issues logging in to the Manager.

Similarly, your web users need permission to log on in the front end. They need a Context Access ACL entry for the web context, which is the default front-end context. GoRevo creates that ACL entry for the WebUsers User Group, but if you have removed that user group or modified its membership or permissions, or are coming from Evo 3 users may have issues logging in to the front end of the site.

Final Notes

First, a word about the pdoTools extra. The pdoTools package replaces a number of standard MODX snippets with much faster alternatives. These are specified as an array of EvoSnippet => RevolutionSnippet entries in the configuration section of the index.php file in the Evolution gorevo directory. It's unlikely that you'll need to change any of them.

GoRevo will do it's best to rename and translate your existing snippets, so they'll work in MODX Revolution, but some minor changes might be necessary. In some cases, you may need to ask for help in the MODX Forums.

After transferring the site, your first step should be to log into the Revolution Manager (using the same credentials you used when installing Revolution) and clear the site cache. Delete any chunks that you're absolutely sure are not going to be used — for example, chunks for Evolution snippets you didn't use.

Next, install any snippets you will need in Revolution's Package Manager. In MODX Revolution no snippets or plugins are installed by default. See the "Snippets Used" report and the suggested replacements in the table above. Go to Package Manager from the Top Menu and click on the "Download Extras" button. Put the name of the snippet you want in the search box and click on the "Go" button. When the package appears, click on the "Download" button.

Here are some packages you may want:

  • pdoTools
  • Breadcrumbs
  • pdoTools, which includes pdoResources, pdoMenu, pdoUsers, pdoCrumb, pdoPage, and a number of other components)
  • Login (which includes Login, Profile, UpdateProfile ForgotPassword,ResetPassword, ChangePassword, Register, ConfirmRegister, ActiveUsers and isLoggedIn)
  • Ace (a code editor)
  • FormIt (replaces eForm)
  • SPForm (a simple contact form)
  • NewsPublisher (front-end resource creation and editing)
  • UltimateParent
  • Gallery
  • MoreGallery
  • pThumb (for creating thumbnails)
  • Articles or Collections (for a blog)
  • Personalize (for showing different content to logged-in users)
  • MIGX (for custom TVs that allow adding multiple items into one TV-value
  • Peoples (for listing user and user group information)
  • Batcher (for performing batch operations on Resources)
  • EZfaq (for creating FAQ pages)
  • SiteAtoZ (for creating an alphabetical listing of the site's pages)
  • MxCalendar (for creating calendars or event management
  • Subscribe (for registering users and their preferences)
  • Notify (for sending emails to selected users)
  • StageCoach (for scheduling future updates to resources)

When you have downloaded all the packages you want (you can always come back later for more), click on the "Back to Package Manager" button. In the Package Manager grid, click on the "Install" button for each extra and follow the steps to install it.

Click on the "Buy Now" link below to see the licensing options for GoRevo.

Purchase GoRevo

My book, MODX: The Official Guide - Digital Edition is now available here. The paper version of the book may still be available from Amazon.

If you have the book and would like to download the code, you can find it here.

If you have the book and would like to see the updates and corrections page, you can find it here.

MODX: The Official Guide is 772 pages long and goes far beyond this web site in explaining beginning and advanced MODX techniques. It includes detailed information on:

  • Installing MODX
  • How MODX Works
  • Working with MODX resources and Elements
  • Using Git with MODX
  • Using common MODX add-on components like SPForm, Login, getResources, and FormIt
  • MODX security Permissions
  • Customizing the MODX Manager
  • Using Form Customization
  • Creating Transport Packages
  • MODX and xPDO object methods
  • MODX System Events
  • Using PHP with MODX

Go here for more information about the book.

Thank you for visiting BobsGuides.com

  —  Bob Ray