MODX 2 Object Full Reference

This is a full dump of the MODX schema file in array form. Click on one of the links below to jump to the object you want to know about.

Note: If the text background turns blue for you toward the bottom of this page, it's due to a longstanding bug in Firefox. Sometimes turning hardware acceleration off in FF fixes it. If not, try another browser.

To see the object Quick Reference (which is usually more useful), go here.

To see the MODX 3 version of this page, go here.

MODX Revolution Objects


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
        [target] => 
        [principal_class] => modPrincipal
        [principal] => 0
        [authority] => 9999
        [policy] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => modPrincipal
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 9999
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [alias] => target
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => principal_class
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => principal
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => authority
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => policy
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modAccessPolicy
            [local] => policy
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modPrincipal
            [local] => principal
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modUserGroup
            [local] => principal
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modUserGroup
            [local] => principal
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modUserGroupRole
            [local] => authority
            [foreign] => authority
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => one
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_actions
            [class] => modAction
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
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    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_actiondom
            [class] => modActionDom
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_category
        [context_key] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fk
            [alias] => context_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modCategory
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_context
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => key
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_elements
        [context_key] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fk
            [alias] => context_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modElement
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx.sources
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_media_source
        [context_key] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fk
            [alias] => context_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => sources.modMediaSource
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_menus
            [class] => modMenu
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => text
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_namespace
        [context_key] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fk
            [alias] => context_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modNamespace
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => name
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_permissions
        [template] => 0
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [value] => 1
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => boolean
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [alias] => template
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modAccessPolicyTemplate
            [local] => template
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_policies
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [parent] => 0
        [template] => 0
        [class] => 
        [data] => {}
        [lexicon] => permissions
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => json
            [default] => {}
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => permissions
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => parent
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => class
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => template
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modAccessPolicy
            [local] => parent
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modAccessPolicyTemplate
            [local] => template
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modAccessPolicy
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => parent
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
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    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_policy_templates
        [template_group] => 0
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [lexicon] => permissions
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => permissions
            [class] => modAccessPolicyTemplateGroup
            [local] => template_group
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modAccessPermission
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => template
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modAccessPolicy
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => template
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
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    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_policy_template_groups
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [class] => modAccessPolicyTemplate
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => template_group
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
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    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_resources
        [context_key] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fk
            [alias] => context_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
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    [extends] => modAccess
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_resource_groups
        [context_key] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fk
            [alias] => context_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => principal_class
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modResourceGroup
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
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    [extends] => modAccessElement
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => access_templatevars
            [class] => modTemplateVar
            [local] => target
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
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    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
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    [extends] => modAccessibleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
        [id] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [generated] => native
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
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    [extends] => modAccessibleSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => actions
        [namespace] => core
        [controller] => 
        [haslayout] => 1
        [lang_topics] => 
        [assets] => 
        [help_url] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => namespace
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => controller
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modNamespace
            [local] => namespace
            [foreign] => name
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modMenu
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => action
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modAccessAction
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => target
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modActionField
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => action
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modActionDom
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => action
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccessibleSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => actiondom
        [set] => 0
        [action] => 
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [xtype] => 
        [container] => 
        [rule] => 
        [value] => 
        [constraint] => 
        [constraint_field] => 
        [constraint_class] => 
        [active] => 1
        [for_parent] => 0
        [rank] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => set
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => action
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => active
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => for_parent
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => rank
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modFormCustomizationSet
            [local] => set
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modAction
            [local] => action
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modAccessActionDom
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => target
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
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    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => actions_fields
        [action] => 
        [name] => 
        [type] => field
        [tab] => 
        [form] => 
        [other] => 
        [rank] => 0
            [dbtype] => nvarchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => field
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => integer
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [alias] => action
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => type
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => tab
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modAction
            [local] => action
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
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    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => active_users
        [internalKey] => 0
        [username] => 
        [lasthit] => 0
        [id] => 
        [action] => 
        [ip] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 9
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => internalKey
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => internalKey
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
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    [extends] => modAccessibleSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => categories
        [parent] => 0
        [category] => 
        [rank] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [default] => 0
            [index] => unique
            [indexgrp] => category
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 45
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [indexgrp] => category
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => parent
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => category
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => rank
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modCategory
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => parent
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modAccessCategory
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => target
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modCategoryClosure
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => ancestor
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modCategoryClosure
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => descendant
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modCategory
            [local] => parent
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modChunk
            [key] => id
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modSnippet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modPlugin
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplate
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplateVar
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modPropertySet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modChunk
            [key] => id
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modSnippet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modPlugin
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplate
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplateVar
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modPropertySet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => category
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
                    [type] => xPDOValidationRule
                    [rule] => xPDOMinLengthValidationRule
                    [value] => 1
                    [message] => category_err_ns_name
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => categories_closure
        [ancestor] => 0
        [descendant] => 0
        [depth] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modCategory
            [local] => ancestor
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modCategory
            [local] => descendant
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modElement
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_htmlsnippets
        [name] => 
        [description] => Chunk
        [editor_type] => 0
        [category] => 0
        [cache_type] => 0
        [snippet] => 
        [locked] => 0
        [properties] => 
        [static] => 0
        [static_file] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => Chunk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => category
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => locked
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => static
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modElementPropertySet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => element
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modCategory
            [key] => id
            [local] => category
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
                    [type] => preg_match
                    [rule] => /^(?!\s)[a-zA-Z0-9\x2d-\x2f\x7f-\xff-_\s]+(? chunk_err_invalid_name
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => class_map
        [class] => 
        [parent_class] => 
        [name_field] => name
        [path] => 
        [lexicon] => core:resource
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 120
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 120
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => name
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinytext
            [phptype] => string
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core:resource
            [alias] => class
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => parent_class
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => name_field
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => content_type
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [mime_type] => 
        [file_extensions] => 
        [headers] => 
        [binary] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => tinytext
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => tinytext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => tinytext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => array
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => content_type
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
                    [type] => xPDOValidationRule
                    [rule] => xPDOMinLengthValidationRule
                    [value] => 1
                    [message] => content_type_err_ns_name
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccessibleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => context
        [key] => 
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [rank] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinytext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => rank
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modContextResource
            [local] => key
            [foreign] => context_key
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modContextSetting
            [local] => key
            [foreign] => context_key
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => sources.modMediaSourceElement
            [local] => key
            [foreign] => context_key
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modAccessContext
            [local] => key
            [foreign] => target
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
                    [type] => preg_match
                    [rule] => /^[a-zA-Z\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9\x2d-\x2f\x7f-\xff]*$/
                    [message] => context_err_ns_key
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    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => context_resource
        [context_key] => 
        [resource] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => resource
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => context_setting
        [context_key] => 
        [key] => 
        [value] => 
        [xtype] => textfield
        [namespace] => core
        [area] => 
        [editedon] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 75
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => textfield
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 40
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => timestamp
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 1
            [default] => 
            [attributes] => ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modContext
            [key] => context_key
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modSystemSetting
            [key] => key
            [local] => key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => dashboard
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [hide_trees] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => hide_trees
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUserGroup
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => dashboard
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modDashboardWidgetPlacement
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => dashboard
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => dashboard_widget
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [type] => 
        [content] => 
        [namespace] => 
        [lexicon] => core:dashboards
        [size] => half
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core:dashboards
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => half
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => type
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => namespace
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => lexicon
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modNamespace
            [local] => namespace
            [foreign] => name
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modDashboardWidgetPlacement
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => widget
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => dashboard_widget_placement
        [dashboard] => 0
        [widget] => 0
        [rank] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => rank
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modDashboard
            [local] => dashboard
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modDashboardWidget
            [local] => widget
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modResource
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccessibleSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_element
        [source] => 0
        [property_preprocess] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [class] => modAccessElement
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => target
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modAccessCategory
            [local] => category
            [foreign] => target
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => sources.modMediaSource
            [local] => source
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => element_property_sets
        [element] => 0
        [element_class] => 
        [property_set] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modElement
            [local] => element
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modPropertySet
            [local] => property_set
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => system_eventnames
        [name] => 
        [service] => 0
        [groupname] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 4
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modPluginEvent
            [local] => name
            [foreign] => event
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => extension_packages
        [namespace] => core
        [name] => core
        [path] => 
        [table_prefix] => 
        [service_class] => 
        [service_name] => 
        [created_at] => 
        [updated_at] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 40
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => datetime
            [phptype] => datetime
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => datetime
            [phptype] => datetime
            [null] => 1
            [alias] => namespace
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modNamespace
            [local] => namespace
            [foreign] => name
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modMediaSource
    [package] => modx.sources
    [version] => 1.1
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => fc_profiles
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [active] => 0
        [rank] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => rank
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => active
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modFormCustomizationSet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => profile
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modFormCustomizationProfileUserGroup
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => profile
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => fc_profiles_usergroups
        [usergroup] => 0
        [profile] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUserGroup
            [local] => usergroup
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modFormCustomizationProfile
            [local] => profile
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => fc_sets
        [profile] => 0
        [action] => 
        [description] => 
        [active] => 0
        [template] => 0
        [constraint] => 
        [constraint_field] => 
        [constraint_class] => 
            [dbtype] => integer
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => nvarchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => integer
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => profile
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => action
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => active
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => template
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modAction
            [local] => action
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modTemplate
            [local] => template
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modFormCustomizationProfile
            [local] => profile
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modActionDom
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => set
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modXMLRPCResource
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => lexicon_entries
        [name] => 
        [value] => 
        [topic] => default
        [namespace] => core
        [language] => en
        [createdon] => 
        [editedon] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => default
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 40
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => en
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => datetime
            [phptype] => datetime
            [dbtype] => timestamp
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 1
            [default] => 
            [attributes] => ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => topic
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => namespace
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => language
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modNamespace
            [local] => namespace
            [foreign] => name
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => manager_log
        [user] => 0
        [occurred] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
        [action] => 
        [classKey] => 
        [item] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => datetime
            [phptype] => datetime
            [null] => 
            [default] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [alias] => user_occurred
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => user
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccessibleObject
    [package] => modx.sources
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => media_sources
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [class_key] => sources.modFileMediaSource
        [properties] => 
        [is_stream] => 1
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => sources.modFileMediaSource
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [index] => index
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => class_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => is_stream
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => sources.modMediaSourceElement
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => source
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modChunk
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => source
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modPlugin
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => source
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modSnippet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => source
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplate
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => source
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplateVar
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => source
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx.sources
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => media_sources_contexts
        [source] => 0
        [context_key] => web
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => web
            [index] => pk
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => sources.modMediaSource
            [local] => source
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx.sources
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => media_sources_elements
        [source] => 0
        [object_class] => modTemplateVar
        [object] => 0
        [context_key] => web
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => modTemplateVar
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => web
            [index] => pk
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => sources.modMediaSource
            [local] => source
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modElement
            [local] => object
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccessibleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => menus
        [text] => 
        [parent] => 
        [action] => 
        [description] => 
        [icon] => 
        [menuindex] => 0
        [params] => 
        [handler] => 
        [permissions] => 
        [namespace] => core
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core
            [index] => index
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => parent
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => action
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => namespace
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modAction
            [local] => action
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modMenu
            [local] => parent
            [foreign] => text
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modMenu
            [local] => text
            [foreign] => parent
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modAccessMenu
            [local] => text
            [foreign] => target
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccessibleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => namespaces
        [name] => 
        [path] => 
        [assets_path] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 40
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [default] => 
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modLexiconEntry
            [local] => name
            [foreign] => namespace
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modSystemSetting
            [local] => name
            [foreign] => namespace
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modContextSetting
            [local] => name
            [foreign] => namespace
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modUserSetting
            [local] => name
            [foreign] => namespace
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modExtensionPackage
            [local] => name
            [foreign] => namespace
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modAccessNamespace
            [local] => name
            [foreign] => target
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modAction
            [local] => name
            [foreign] => namespace
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modScript
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_plugins
        [cache_type] => 0
        [plugincode] => 
        [locked] => 0
        [properties] => 
        [disabled] => 0
        [moduleguid] => 
        [static] => 0
        [static_file] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 32
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => locked
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => disabled
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => static
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modElementPropertySet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => element
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modPluginEvent
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => pluginid
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
                    [type] => preg_match
                    [rule] => /^(?!\s)[a-zA-Z0-9\x23-\x2f\x3a\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff-_\s]+(? plugin_err_invalid_name
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_plugin_events
        [pluginid] => 0
        [event] => 
        [priority] => 0
        [propertyset] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => priority
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modPlugin
            [local] => pluginid
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modEvent
            [local] => event
            [foreign] => name
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modPropertySet
            [local] => propertyset
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
            [class] => modAccess
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => principal
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => property_set
        [name] => 
        [category] => 0
        [description] => 
        [properties] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => category
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modCategory
            [key] => id
            [local] => category
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modElementPropertySet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => property_set
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccessibleSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_content
        [type] => document
        [contentType] => text/html
        [pagetitle] => 
        [longtitle] => 
        [description] => 
        [alias] => 
        [alias_visible] => 1
        [link_attributes] => 
        [published] => 0
        [pub_date] => 0
        [unpub_date] => 0
        [parent] => 0
        [isfolder] => 0
        [introtext] => 
        [content] => 
        [richtext] => 1
        [template] => 0
        [menuindex] => 0
        [searchable] => 1
        [cacheable] => 1
        [createdby] => 0
        [createdon] => 0
        [editedby] => 0
        [editedon] => 0
        [deleted] => 0
        [deletedon] => 0
        [deletedby] => 0
        [publishedon] => 0
        [publishedby] => 0
        [menutitle] => 
        [donthit] => 0
        [privateweb] => 0
        [privatemgr] => 0
        [content_dispo] => 0
        [hidemenu] => 0
        [class_key] => modDocument
        [context_key] => web
        [content_type] => 1
        [uri] => 
        [uri_override] => 0
        [hide_children_in_tree] => 0
        [show_in_tree] => 1
        [properties] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => document
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => text/html
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fulltext
            [indexgrp] => content_ft_idx
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fulltext
            [indexgrp] => content_ft_idx
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fulltext
            [indexgrp] => content_ft_idx
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 1
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [index] => fulltext
            [indexgrp] => content_ft_idx
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [index] => fulltext
            [indexgrp] => content_ft_idx
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => modDocument
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => web
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 1
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => json
            [null] => 1
            [alias] => alias
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 1
            [alias] => published
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => pub_date
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => unpub_date
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => parent
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => isfolder
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => template
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => menuindex
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => searchable
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => cacheable
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => hidemenu
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => class_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => context_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => uri
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 191
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 1
            [alias] => uri_override
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => hide_children_in_tree
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => show_in_tree
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => content_ft_idx
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => FULLTEXT
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 1
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 1
            [alias] => cache_refresh_index
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => parent
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => createdby
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => editedby
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => deletedby
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => publishedby
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modTemplate
            [local] => template
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modTemplateVar
            [local] => id:template
            [foreign] => contentid:templateid
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplateVarTemplate
            [local] => template
            [foreign] => templateid
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modContentType
            [local] => content_type
            [foreign] => id
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modContext
            [local] => context_key
            [foreign] => key
            [owner] => foreign
            [cardinality] => one
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => parent
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplateVarResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => contentid
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modResourceGroupResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => document
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modAccessResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => target
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modContextResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => resource
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modAccessibleSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => documentgroup_names
        [name] => 
        [private_memgroup] => 0
        [private_webgroup] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modResourceGroupResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => document_group
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplateVarResourceGroup
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => documentgroup
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modAccessResourceGroup
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => target
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => document_groups
        [document_group] => 0
        [document] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => document_group
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => document
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modResourceGroup
            [key] => id
            [local] => document_group
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modResource
            [key] => id
            [local] => document
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modMediaSource
    [package] => modx.sources
    [version] => 1.1
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modElement
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_script
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [editor_type] => 0
        [category] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => category
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modCategory
            [key] => id
            [local] => category
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => session
        [id] => 
        [access] => 
        [data] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => access
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [type] => preg_match
                    [rule] => /^[0-9a-zA-Z,-]{22,191}$/
                    [message] => session_err_invalid_id
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modScript
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_snippets
        [cache_type] => 0
        [snippet] => 
        [locked] => 0
        [properties] => 
        [moduleguid] => 
        [static] => 0
        [static_file] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 32
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => locked
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => moduleguid
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => static
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modElementPropertySet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => element
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
                    [type] => preg_match
                    [rule] => /^(?!\s)[a-zA-Z0-9\x2d-\x2f\x7f-\xff-_\s]+(? snippet_err_invalid_name
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modResource
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modResource
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => system_settings
        [key] => 
        [value] => 
        [xtype] => textfield
        [namespace] => core
        [area] => 
        [editedon] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 75
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => textfield
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 40
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => timestamp
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 1
            [default] => 
            [attributes] => ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modContextSetting
            [local] => key
            [foreign] => key
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modNamespace
            [local] => namespace
            [foreign] => name
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modElement
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_templates
        [templatename] => 
        [description] => Template
        [editor_type] => 0
        [category] => 0
        [icon] => 
        [template_type] => 0
        [content] => 
        [locked] => 0
        [properties] => 
        [static] => 0
        [static_file] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => Template
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => templatename
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => category
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => locked
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => static
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modElementPropertySet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => element
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modTemplateVarTemplate
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => templateid
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modCategory
            [local] => category
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => template
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
                    [type] => preg_match
                    [rule] => /^(?!\s)[a-zA-Z0-9\x23-\x2f\x3a\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff-_\s]+(? template_err_invalid_name
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modElement
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_tmplvars
        [type] => 
        [name] => 
        [caption] => 
        [description] => 
        [editor_type] => 0
        [category] => 0
        [locked] => 0
        [elements] => 
        [rank] => 0
        [display] => 
        [default_text] => 
        [properties] => 
        [input_properties] => 
        [output_properties] => 
        [static] => 0
        [static_file] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 80
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => category
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => locked
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => rank
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => static
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modElementPropertySet
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => element
            [owner] => local
            [cardinality] => many
            [class] => modTemplateVarTemplate
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => tmplvarid
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplateVarResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => tmplvarid
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modTemplateVarResourceGroup
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => tmplvarid
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modCategory
            [local] => category
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
                    [type] => preg_match
                    [rule] => /^(?!\s)[a-zA-Z0-9\x2d-\x2f\x7f-\xff-_\s]+(? tv_err_invalid_name
                    [type] => preg_match
                    [rule] => /^(?!(id|type|contentType|pagetitle|longtitle|description|alias|alias_visible|link_attributes|published|pub_date|unpub_date|parent|isfolder|introtext|content|richtext|template|menuindex|searchable|cacheable|createdby|createdon|editedby|editedon|deleted|deletedby|deletedon|publishedon|publishedby|menutitle|donthit|privateweb|privatemgr|content_dispo|hidemenu|class_key|context_key|content_type|uri|uri_override|hide_children_in_tree|show_in_tree|properties)$)/
                    [message] => tv_err_reserved_name
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_tmplvar_contentvalues
        [tmplvarid] => 0
        [contentid] => 0
        [value] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [alias] => tmplvarid
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => contentid
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => tv_cnt
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modTemplateVar
            [local] => tmplvarid
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => contentid
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_tmplvar_access
        [tmplvarid] => 0
        [documentgroup] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [alias] => tmplvar_template
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modTemplateVar
            [local] => tmplvarid
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modResourceGroup
            [local] => documentgroup
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => site_tmplvar_templates
        [tmplvarid] => 0
        [templateid] => 0
        [rank] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modTemplateVar
            [key] => id
            [local] => tmplvarid
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modTemplate
            [key] => id
            [local] => templateid
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx.transport
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => transport_packages
        [signature] => 
        [created] => 
        [updated] => 
        [installed] => 
        [state] => 1
        [workspace] => 0
        [provider] => 0
        [disabled] => 0
        [source] => 
        [manifest] => 
        [attributes] => 
        [package_name] => 
        [metadata] => 
        [version_major] => 0
        [version_minor] => 0
        [version_patch] => 0
        [release] => 
        [release_index] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => datetime
            [phptype] => datetime
            [null] => 
            [dbtype] => timestamp
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [attributes] => ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
            [dbtype] => datetime
            [phptype] => datetime
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [dbtype] => integer
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => integer
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => fk
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinytext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => array
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [dbtype] => smallint
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => smallint
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => smallint
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => smallint
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => workspace
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => provider
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => disabled
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => package_name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => version_major
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => version_minor
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => version_patch
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => release
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => release_index
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modWorkspace
            [local] => workspace
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => transport.modTransportProvider
            [local] => provider
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx.transport
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => transport_providers
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [service_url] => 
        [username] => 
        [api_key] => 
        [created] => 
        [updated] => 
        [active] => 1
        [priority] => 10
        [properties] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => tinytext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => datetime
            [phptype] => datetime
            [null] => 
            [dbtype] => timestamp
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [attributes] => ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 4
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 10
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => json
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => api_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => username
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => active
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => priority
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => transport.modTransportPackage
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => provider
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modPrincipal
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => users
        [username] => 
        [password] => 
        [cachepwd] => 
        [class_key] => modUser
        [active] => 1
        [remote_key] => 
        [remote_data] => 
        [hash_class] => hashing.modNative
        [salt] => 
        [primary_group] => 0
        [session_stale] => 
        [sudo] => 0
        [createdon] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 255
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 255
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => modUser
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => boolean
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 1
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => json
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => hashing.modNative
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => array
            [null] => 1
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => boolean
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 20
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [alias] => username
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => class_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => remote_key
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => primary_group
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => createdby
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => editedby
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => deletedby
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modResource
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => publishedby
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modUserMessage
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => sender
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modUserMessage
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => recipient
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modUserGroup
            [local] => primary_group
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUserProfile
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => internalKey
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modUserSetting
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => user
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modUserGroupMember
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => member
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modActiveUser
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => internalKey
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modPrincipal
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => membergroup_names
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [parent] => 0
        [rank] => 0
        [dashboard] => 1
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [index] => index
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => parent
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => rank
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => dashboard
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUserGroup
            [local] => parent
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUserGroup
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => parent
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modDashboard
            [local] => dashboard
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUserGroupMember
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => user_group
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
            [class] => modFormCustomizationProfileUserGroup
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => usergroup
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => member_groups
        [user_group] => 0
        [member] => 0
        [role] => 1
        [rank] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 1
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [alias] => role
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => rank
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUserGroupRole
            [local] => role
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUserGroup
            [local] => user_group
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => member
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => user_group_roles
        [name] => 
        [description] => 
        [authority] => 9999
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 9999
            [index] => index
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => authority
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUserGroupMember
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => role
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => user_group_settings
        [group] => 0
        [key] => 
        [value] => 
        [xtype] => textfield
        [namespace] => core
        [area] => 
        [editedon] => 
            [dbtype] => integer
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 75
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => textfield
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 40
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => timestamp
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 1
            [default] => 
            [attributes] => ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUserGroup
            [local] => group
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modNamespace
            [local] => namespace
            [foreign] => name
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => user_messages
        [type] => 
        [subject] => 
        [message] => 
        [sender] => 0
        [recipient] => 0
        [private] => 0
        [date_sent] => 
        [read] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 15
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 4
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => datetime
            [phptype] => datetime
            [null] => 1
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => sender
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => recipient
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => user_attributes
        [internalKey] => 
        [fullname] => 
        [email] => 
        [phone] => 
        [mobilephone] => 
        [blocked] => 0
        [blockeduntil] => 0
        [blockedafter] => 0
        [logincount] => 0
        [lastlogin] => 0
        [thislogin] => 0
        [failedlogincount] => 0
        [sessionid] => 
        [dob] => 0
        [gender] => 0
        [address] => 
        [country] => 
        [city] => 
        [state] => 
        [zip] => 
        [fax] => 
        [photo] => 
        [comment] => 
        [website] => 
        [extended] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 10
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 1
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 25
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 25
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 100
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => json
            [null] => 1
            [index] => fulltext
            [indexgrp] => extended
            [alias] => internalKey
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => internalKey
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => user_settings
        [user] => 0
        [key] => 
        [value] => 
        [xtype] => textfield
        [namespace] => core
        [area] => 
        [editedon] => 
            [dbtype] => int
            [precision] => 11
            [phptype] => integer
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 50
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => pk
            [dbtype] => text
            [phptype] => string
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 75
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => textfield
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 40
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => core
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [dbtype] => timestamp
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 1
            [default] => 
            [attributes] => ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
            [alias] => PRIMARY
            [primary] => 1
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => modUser
            [local] => user
            [foreign] => id
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
            [class] => modNamespace
            [local] => namespace
            [foreign] => name
            [cardinality] => one
            [owner] => foreign
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modResource
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => xPDOSimpleObject
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
    [table] => workspaces
        [name] => 
        [path] => 
        [created] => 
        [active] => 0
        [attributes] => 
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => varchar
            [precision] => 191
            [phptype] => string
            [null] => 
            [default] => 
            [index] => unique
            [dbtype] => datetime
            [phptype] => timestamp
            [null] => 
            [dbtype] => tinyint
            [precision] => 1
            [attributes] => unsigned
            [phptype] => boolean
            [null] => 
            [default] => 0
            [index] => index
            [dbtype] => mediumtext
            [phptype] => array
            [alias] => name
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => path
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 1
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [alias] => active
            [primary] => 
            [unique] => 
            [type] => BTREE
                    [length] => 
                    [collation] => A
                    [null] => 
            [class] => transport.modTransportPackage
            [local] => id
            [foreign] => workspace
            [cardinality] => many
            [owner] => local
Back to Top . . .


    [extends] => modResource
    [package] => modx
    [version] => 1.1
Back to Top . . .


My book, MODX: The Official Guide - Digital Edition is now available here. The paper version of the book may still be available from Amazon.

If you have the book and would like to download the code, you can find it here.

If you have the book and would like to see the updates and corrections page, you can find it here.

MODX: The Official Guide is 772 pages long and goes far beyond this web site in explaining beginning and advanced MODX techniques. It includes detailed information on:

  • Installing MODX
  • How MODX Works
  • Working with MODX resources and Elements
  • Using Git with MODX
  • Using common MODX add-on components like SPForm, Login, getResources, and FormIt
  • MODX security Permissions
  • Customizing the MODX Manager
  • Using Form Customization
  • Creating Transport Packages
  • MODX and xPDO object methods
  • MODX System Events
  • Using PHP with MODX

Go here for more information about the book.

Thank you for visiting

  —  Bob Ray