My MODX Book

I don't want to be immodest, but I do want to recommend my book, MODX: The Official Guide.


MODX Book Cover


If you have the book and would like to download the code, you can find it here.

If you have the book and would like to see the updates and corrections page, you can find it here.

The book is perfectly suitable for MODX beginners but contains plenty of in-depth information for power users as well. The book is over 770 pages long and goes far beyond this website in providing information on MODX. The book starts with an explanation of what MODX is and how it works and continues with detailed instructions on installing MODX. In later sections, the book not only explains in detail how various MODX processes work. It also serves as a reference to the various MODX objects such as resources and elements, and to many MODX internal actions such as system events and web page rendering.

Here are just a few of the features that you'll find in the book:

  • Detailed instructions on installing MODX
  • Inside information about exactly how MODX processes a web page
  • Information on working with MODX resources and Elements in the Manager and in code
  • Numerous code examples
  • Tutorials explaining how to use common MODX add-on components like SPForm, Login, getResources, and FormIt
  • Information and tutorials on MODX security Permissions
  • Detailed instructions on Customizing the MODX Manager
  • Tutorials on how to use Form Customization
  • Information on how to Create your own Transport Packages
  • Detailed reference section on the MODX and xPDO object methods, with examples
  • Detailed reference section on MODX System Events and suggested alternatives to deprecated events, with examples
  • Detailed information on how to use Git and GitHub with MODX
  • A PHP primer to help you learn basic PHP coding with MODX
  • The most complete index ever seen in a computer book


Thank you for visiting

  —  Bob Ray