If you don't find an answer here, ask for help in the appropriate section of the MODX Forums. If they might have a bearing on your problem, be sure to include your browser version, MODX version, hosting service, Apache version, PHP version, and MySQL version.
Everything appears to work but no mail arrives.
Important: don't use both!!!.
The System Settings are the recommended method. The only reason to use the snippet properties is if you have different forms and want to use a different SMTP server for each of them.
You can use any SMTP account, even at a different server, to send with SPForm. Be sure to set all the SMTP options correctly.
If you continue to have this problem, take a close look at the &recipientArray setting in the snippet properties. It should be a comma-separated list of titles and email addresses. Like this:
Webmaster :webmaster@yourdomain.com,Sales :Sales@yourdomain.com, Support :support@yourdomain.com
I changed an option, but nothing has changed.
Clear the MODX site cache (Manage | Clear cache), then clear your browser cache (usually on the Tools menu -- something like Clear Private Data or Delete Browsing History).
After submitting the page, I get a white screen with an unauthorized referer error message.
For example, if you see this for the referer:
You should have mydomain.com in your referers list.
The spform page looks unstyled and the validation doesn't work.
The CSS file for SPForm is at:
If you want to change it, copy it to another file and use the &spfCssPath property to point to it.
I have the hidden field turned on, but I can see it in the form.
Clear the site cache after assigning a template.
I keep getting error messages when submitting the form.
I have the takeMeBack option on, but no link appears on the response page.
My users often send me lots of links in their messages and they always get an error.
The box for entering a message is too big or too small.
I'm still having trouble.
If you're still having trouble, post your problem in the SPForm section at the MODX forums
When I get mail from the contact form, I see a warning that the message may not have been sent by the user. how can I fix that?
&useemailsender=`1`That will tell SPForm to set the email in the emailsender System Setting in the message's "from" address. Be sure the System Setting is set and that it is an address from your domain. You may have to delete the core/cache files before this takes effect.
My book, MODX: The Official Guide - Digital Edition is now available here. The paper version of the book may still be available from Amazon.
If you have the book and would like to download the code, you can find it here.
If you have the book and would like to see the updates and corrections page, you can find it here.
MODX: The Official Guide is 772 pages long and goes far beyond this web site in explaining beginning and advanced MODX techniques. It includes detailed information on:
- Installing MODX
- How MODX Works
- Working with MODX resources and Elements
- Using Git with MODX
- Using common MODX add-on components like SPForm, Login, getResources, and FormIt
- MODX security Permissions
- Customizing the MODX Manager
- Using Form Customization
- Creating Transport Packages
- MODX and xPDO object methods
- MODX System Events
- Using PHP with MODX
Go here for more information about the book.
Thank you for visiting BobsGuides.com
— Bob Ray