How to Support This Site

If you've found this site helpful and would like to contribute, there are several ways to do so. One is to buy my book — MODX: The Official Guide.

Another way is to purchase one of my premium extras: SiteCheck, GoRevo, or CustomSearch(coming soon).

The digital edition of my book and all of my premium extras are available from this Gumroad page.

Bob's Guides is largely a labor of love. It has historically been a losing proposition for me, though the losses are small. Any amount you can donate will be immensely appreciated — it all adds up. You can see the list of previous donors here:

If you would like to contribute directly to the site, you can simply click on the Donate button below.

Donate Button

Ways to Support the Site That Won't Cost You a Thing

Another way you can help this site survive is through our web hosting affiliates. MODX can be installed at almost any host, but the process is often much smoother and site performance is better when you use a MODX-friendly host. If you go to the link below, or one of the links on the MODX-friendly Hosts page, and set up an account, we get a "finders fee" from the hosting service.

Bob's Guides is now hosted at A2 Hosting and I've been very happy there. The MODX Manager runs about four times faster than it did at my previous host and the site seems more responsive as well. I particularly recommend the Swift package with the Performance Plus option.

See the MODX-Friendly Hosts page for other suggestions.


Thank you for visiting

  —  Bob Ray